The Secret of Oz, remastered. Part 1, By Bill Still.
What’s going on with the world’s economy? Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing – and this may only be the beginning. Could it be that solutions to the world’s economic problems could have been embedded in the most beloved children’s story of all time, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”? The yellow brick road (the gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were powerful symbols of author L. Frank Baum’s belief that the people – not the big banks — should control the quantity of a nation’s money. Debt free money.Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell: “The Bible HIDES The Real Story Of Jesus (Yeshua).. SHOCKING” (full explanation)
Total Onslaught -Prof Walter Veith
Prof Walter Veith shares his esoteric knowledge.
From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, “Ring Of Power” unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history with never – before – seen revelations. “Ring Of Power” puzzles together the pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary series. The Producer is an experienced, award winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments between her parents over her father’s secret meetings and the exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the letter “G” and the compass and square on his ring, she got no response. As an adult, she decided to investigate. That investigation grew into four years of intensive research into the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she calls the “Ring Of Power”. Their goal is one World Empire and one world ruler.
The Money Masters – The Rise Of The Bankers. by Bill Still.
The Money Masters (1996) 3h 30min | Documentary | January 1996 (USA) The Money Masters is a 1996 documentary film that discusses the concepts of money, debt, taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward.
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin. An excellent lecture by G. Edward Griffin entitled “The Quigley Formula: A conspiratorial view of history as taught by the conspirators themselves” “Quigley” is the late Carroll Quigley, a Council on Foreign Relations member and historian, as well as mentor to CFR & Trilateral Commission member Bill Clinton. Exposing how the secret society set up by Cecil Rodes was the engine behind the Royal Institute on Foreign Relations, the CFR, the Trialateral Commission and the direction of geopolitics and the NWO we see today.
Cleopatra to Christ – Jesus was descended from the royal line of Egypt, from Cleopatra VII. In explanation, a relatively unknown daughter of Cleopatra was given by Emperor Octavian to King Phraates IV of Persia in 20 BC, as a diplomatic bride, and she became Queen of Persia in 2 BC. But she was exiled to Syria in AD 4. This royal exile was the historical foundation for the nativity story, of a prince born in humble surroundings – which is why this birth was visited by the Persian Magi priesthood (the three kings).
Jordan Maxwell. Admiralty Law: Word Controlled Humans & The Law of Money.
Jordan Maxwell explanes the difference between the law of the sea and the law of the land.
Jordan Maxwell. Our Hidden Creators.
Jordan Waxwell discusses his perspective on the creation of humanity together with who created us.
Real history of the United States.
Bobby Graves is an astute historian and incredible storyteller. In this three part video Bobby explains where the United States is currently at politically and socially and how we got here. He starts his tale in 1,028 AD with William the Conqueror, progresses through the Revolutionary and Civil War, on through to where we currently stand as a nation. You are a corporation and not a free person of the land. You are owned by the London banks. Bobby is involved with the American and Oregon Assemblies. The Assembly is an avenue to make you a free person once again.
The Illusion of Reality. Uploaded by Devatma Saraswati.
A documentary film revealing the ancient universal truths as revealed in Bhagavad Gita, Yoga and Buddhism. See the parallel of ideas between Quantum Mechanics and the most ancient spiritual traditions on Earth.
The Illuminati exposed – Myron C Fagan – 1967
Recorded in 1967 by Myron Fagan (1887-1972) Jewish American who became a famous Broadway Play-write. The late Myron C. Fagan was the man who was most responsible for identifying and exposing, (What he called) The Jewish Illuminati to the American public. Fagan said, the super rich Jewish men who run it have little in common with their lesser brethren, who they will gladly sacrifice for their cause, if need be.
The Brotherhood of Darkness. Dr. Stanley Monteith
I deliberately preserved this video (and many others) 10 years ago for those searching now. Has anything changed? The shift? The awakening? The enlightenment? Have faith… It will! It’s evolution! The spiritual transmutation of lead (lies) into gold (truth).
The Greatest Story Never Told by Dennis Wise
Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau, one man who will change the history of the world forever. It follows his childhood to the death of his mother and his broken ambition to become an artist, then further to his entry into politics. His service in the army, accolades, his writing Mein Kampf, politics and most importantly Germany’s revival are well explained followed by WW2. It also covers the effect on Germany’s after the WW2 defeat up until the fall of the Berlin Wall. Probably the most detailed documentary ever covering over 100 years of history.
On Friday, March 24, 1933, the headline “Judea Declares War on Germany” was splashed across the front page of the British newspaper Daily Express. The subheads read: “Jews Of All The World Unite In Action”; “Boycott of German Goods”; “Mass Demonstrations in Many Districts”; and “Dramatic Action.” The article described a forthcoming “holy war” and went on to implore Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in mass demonstrations against German economic interests.
New World Order, Communism by the Back Door. by Dennis Wise
An epic documentary which reveals compelling evidence of how, why and who are responsible for the completion of a plan to enslave us all. Institutions including the United Nations and secret societies, such as freemasonry and the European Union, have all played their part in pursuing their end goal. Communism By The Backdoor exposes a tangled web of lies and deceit and shows the very people many regard as heroes, as nothing more than traitors.
Jordan Maxwell
The inner world of the occult. A lecture at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles, California. Presented by the Republic Forum. January 3rd 2001.
America : Freedom to Fascism. by filmmaker Aaron Russo
He examines the process of taxation and the state of freedom in America. He seeks proof for his belief that there is no law requiring citizens to pay federal income taxes, and that current and proposed identity laws are eroding civil liberties and turning the U.S. into a fascist state.
Europa, The Last Battle. Directed by Tobias B.
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn’t learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes.
House of Rothschild, 1934.
This sanitized take on the famous Rothschild family, a prominent European banking clan with Jewish roots, was in part a Hollywood effort to combat swelling tides of anti-Semitism during the 1930s. After patriarch Mayer establishes the business, his five sons, led by Nathan , rise to significant heights, despite being dogged by a powerful politician. Meanwhile, daughter of Mayer falls for a handsome officer.
Symbols of an Alien Sky. by ThunderboltsProject
Here we offer David Talbott’s first glimpses of celestial dramas in ancient times. Just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears and inspiring the vast complex of world myths and symbols.
World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin
Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine: the FDA, the AMA, and the American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that this is because of the hidden economic and political agendas of those who dominate the medical establishment.
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon by Bart Sibrel
Sibrel believes that there were numerous insurmountable scientific and technical problems which made it improbable that men could land on the moon and return to Earth safely. Further, he believes that certain anomalies and inconsistencies in NASA’s records of the landings point to a hoax, and that the space race was actually a race to develop armaments, citing a 95 percent similarity between the technologies that allowed the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles and the launch of the Saturn V rockets.
Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? by John Moffet.
Skeptics analyze the discrepancies and inconsistencies in the evidence that men landed on the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Their conclusion: NASA faked the moon landings! Evidence of deception includes: the physical problems inherent in rocket control; the lack of a blast crater under the LM descent engine; the lack of stars in the lunar sky; discrepancies and similarities in the shadows and backgrounds of moon photos; flag waving on an airless moon; and the presence of deadly radiation in interplanetary space. The skeptics contend that astronauts have never flown beyond the Van Allen radiation belt.
What happened on the Moon. An investigation into Apollo. by David S Percy.
Behind the official record of Apollo, has the ‘hidden hand of history’ recorded vital chapters that rightfully belong in the Apollo account? The majority of people still believe astronauts went to the Moon in 1969 – it represents a tremendous achievement for mankind, the first time we have landed and walked upon another celestial body. But what really happened on the Moon in 1969? Five years in the making, released in 2000, WHAT happened on the MOON? An investigation into Apollo, is view free to watch online as well as a double-disc DVD set available from the Aulis shop. This compelling production throws into serious doubt the authenticity of the Apollo missions and features information that challenges the declared abilities of NASA to successfully send a man to the Moon and return him safely to Earth.
Parts 2&3 can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAV-N3cQHqE
Apollo Moon Landing Hoax w/ Scott Henderson, Marcus Allen and Randy Walsh
The Real Deal (12 July 2020) with Scott Henderson, Marcus Allen and Randy Walsh. Three experts on the moon landing explain further reasons of how we know we didn’t go, which include major problems with the F-1 engines, which were not only unstable but could not have produced enough thrust to escape low Earth orbit; with vacuum effects on cameras, film and photos, which would affect color contrasts had they actually been taken on the moon, where the camera’s shutters–which were made of metal–would have welded together and been inoperable; and (what appears to be) the inadvertent capture of a truck in the background of purported moon footage.
The Century of the Self. by Adam Curtis.
The Century of the Self is a 2002 British television documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis. It focuses on the work of psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud, and PR consultant Edward Bernays.
The Secret of Oz. by Bill Still.
What’s going on with the world’s economy? Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is skyrocketing – and this may only be the beginning. Could it be that solutions to the world’s economic problems could have been embedded in the most beloved children’s story of all time, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”? The yellow brick road (the gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were powerful symbols of author L. Frank Baum’s belief that the people – not the big banks — should control the quantity of a nation’s money.
History of American Education – John Taylor Gatto
NY State Teacher of the Year Award Winner, John Taylor Gatto delivers a life-changing interview. An intellectual champion for self-directed learning, Mr. Gatto speaks about Plato, Freud, Marcus Aurelius, Richard Branson and more.
Norman Dodd. Tax Exempt Foundations.
Norman Dodd and his research on the Tax exempt foundations in 1954. Interviewed by G. Edward Griffin in 1982.
Dodd explains how Tax Exempt Foundations, during the early part of the 20th century, were directed by the highest levels of government to alter American society in view of a future merger and integration with the Soviet Union.
Hacking Democracy. by Simon Ardizzone and Russell Michaels
The film the voting machine corporations don’t want you to see.
HACKING DEMOCRACY follows tenacious Seattle grandmother / investigator, Bev Harris, and her band of extraordinary citizen-activists as they set out to answer one simple question: How does America count its votes? Proving America’s votes can be stolen without a trace culminates in a duel between the Diebold corporation’s voting machines and a computer hacker from Finland – with America’s democracy at stake.
The War on Democracy. by John Pilger.
Award-winning journalist John Pilger examines the United States’ role in Latin American politics over the last 50 years.
Loose Change: Final Cut. by Dylan Avery.
Loose Change: Final Cut is the third film in a series which argue that that 9/11 was planned and conducted by elements within the U.S government, and base the claims on perceived anomalies in the historical record of the attacks.
Nick Kollerstrom on the 7/7 London Bombings. Richplanet TV.
Academic, Nick Kollerstrom lives in London and has been researching the 7/7 case since it happened. He attended the Kingston trial in 2008 and also attended the 7/7 inquest in 2010 and 2011. His book “Terror on the Tube” casts huge doubt over the official “islamic suicide bomber” story. The evidence clearly suggests the event was a false flag terror attack orchestrated by authorities, and the so called terrorists were innocent patsies, duped into taking part in a mock terror training drill. This show is part one of two interviews with Nick examining different aspects of the case. Nobody should be happy with the recently completed inquest as Nick explains.
Who Is Bill Gates? by James Corbett.
Just in time for #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action, The Corbett Report is releasing the full Who Is Bill Gates? documentary in a single upload. Please help to spread the word about this documentary, including the audio and video downloads and hyperlinked transcript at corbettreport.com/gates
WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception. by Danny Schechter
There were two wars in Iraq–a military assault and a media war. The former was well-covered; the latter was not. Until now… Independent filmmaker, Emmy-award winningTV journalist, author and media critic, Danny Schechter turns the cameras on the role of the media. His new film, WMD, is an outspoken assessment of how Pentagon propaganda and media complicity misled the American people, while selling the war to influence international public opinion. Schechter compares and contrasts coverage on a global basis, including exclusive material and insider interviews. WMD is a serious film that exposes the media role–the biggest scandal of our time.
Quest for the Lost civilization. by Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock is a bestselling author and journalist who specializes in ancient civilizations. He explores, amongst other things, the submerged Yonaguni monument off the coast of Japan, Easter Island, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the pyramids of Egypt and looks at astronomical alignments.
Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement. by Alex Jones.
“For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world’s population, while enabling the ‘elites’ to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity’s extermination: Operation Endgame”.
Ancient Bloodlines/Contemporary Power.
Professor Hamamoto Interviews Leuren Moret for a wide-ranging conversation that inspires a radically new understanding of world civilization and its current manifestations. With a fresh look at who really rules the world.
David Icke – Awaken – Wembley Arena (2014).
ALL DAY EVENT WITH FANTASTIC INFORMATION PLUS MUSIC AND DANCE Recorded Live at London Wembley Arena, 25th October 2014
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_psT…
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvJUs…
Katanga. The Untold Story Of UN Betrayal / G.Edward Griffin
Exposed: The shocking story of how the United Nations from 1960-1962 under the guise of a peacekeeping force waged unprovoked war against the anti-Communist state of Katanga, forcing it under the control of the Communist puppet-state of the Central Congo (now called Zaire.) This story of gross political misadventure must be heard, for, unless Congress intervenes, an increasing number of UN military actions masquerading as a Protection from Communism will no doubt be used to implement a duplicitous New World Order agenda